Europe on Film

After receiving a lot of views and comments on my digital photos of my European trip over summer, I decided to finally scan and sort my film pics. I love film, I love the outcomes (mostly) but the actual scanning does take a lot of patience. I used an Epson Perfection V750 Pro flatbed scanner which is a very high end piece of kit with great results. The camera was a 35mm manual Pentax ME Super with Pentax 28mm lens.

The film I shot on was Jessops diamond MAX 400 colour film and Jessops PAN 400SX black and white 35mm film. The film rolls were from 2005, just lying on my shelf and I was intrigued by the results. Yes, I was very happy I actually got some great images, the obscure colour balance and imperfections of the film make some great evocative images. I found the black and white film was very grainy and once again I liked this, I see an aesthetic to that of Friedlander’s (my icon) cityscapes in those images.

I decided not to edit any of these images because I wanted to preserve the rawness of the film. I believe my canvas is what lies in between the mirror and the lens, the film and this can never be interrupted with digital editing. This is more true of this set of images simply because the quality of the film was so poor that any editing would detract to the essence of the subdued colours to harsh grains.

The images can be seen to the right but many more here.


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